Currently located in Surrey, adoption fee negotiable (finding the right home is our priority) We have a ewe (approximately 4 years old) and her lamb (approximately 3-4 months old) who came into our care as a result of a cruelty investigation and are looking for a loving home. The ewe has an issue with her right hind foot, it is knuckled over at the hoof and she can put weight on it, but hobbles around and favours it. It does not seem to cause her pain as we have tried her on and off metacam without seeing a difference. We are looking for a home that would explore options with their vet to see if leaving the leg how it is and monitoring it would work, or if trying a splint or casting the foot to straighten it back out would be an option. From the initial exam, the vet felt that there was no fracture or dislocation, that the ewe most likely suffered from something like foot rot, started to favour the leg, and held it up with the foot curled under, and then never stretched the soft tissues back out again and didn't wear the hoof properly. He feels that it can either be left and monitored, or splinting or casting could be tried. Please contact us at if you are interested. Thanks for helping give these animals a second chance at a good life!
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